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For Your Sunday...

The Spiritual Actionable..

According to some Christians, Believers and worshippers, God is a God of action. Some examples of God's actions include loving, forgiving, judging, admonishing, sacrificing, serving, and saving. The bible and most divine teachings also mention other actions of God, such as breathing life into Adam, putting his spirit into the universe, authoring life, the resurrection, and appearing to his friends, disciples, and followers. All these actionables Jesus Christ practiced and taught throughout His ministry. No matter your platform, faith or belief of worship, we're all constantly seeking a closer walk with God through deeds like those Christ. But if your faith is shaken, your prayers are exhausted, and you've become numb pursuing your spiritual satisfaction, of course the question becomes - What are your actionables this year?


Did you know your life is shaped by your thoughts and actions? In this new year, when thinking about a biblical or spiritual actionable for our personal and professional lives, we as believers must remember to execute all actionable(s) through prayer, hard work, and always proceed in faith. We must ensure our actionable is beneficial to our families, friends, communities, our workplace, place of worship, and most important, acceptable in God's sight.


Why is Spirituality considered actionable? Because it can directly influence your thoughts, behaviors, and actions by providing a sense of purpose, meaning, and values that guide your decision-making, allowing you to actively apply those principles to your daily life through practices like meditation, acts of kindness, or seeking connection with something larger than yourself; essentially, it can motivate you to take concrete steps towards personal growth and positive change in your life, and no matter your work, when living through the actionable words and works of Christ, it's a resolution that you need not renew annually, commit to when the new year approaches, or only recognize on your day of worship, because when you choose the actionables practiced by Jesus it becomes intrinsic, and a part of our daily habits, characteristics, and personality throughout our lives.


So as the new year begins, let's consider what we deem as our idea of spiritual actionables, prepare and commit to a mental plan, and follow-up with our spiritual actionables.


Wishing you and yours peace, grace, and many blessings this new year!


S.K. Caraway, Director


James 2:18

But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

2 Corinthians 9:6

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.








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