There's a song by one of my favorite gospel singers - Fred Hammond titled "Give Me A Clean Heart". The song speaks of a faithful human spirit battling with fear, doubt, and confusion in times of trouble. It speaks of living with a "double-mind", one side that stands in faith and a belief in God, the other gripped with fear while doubting his faith but praying for the courage and strength to persevere. We as Believers can relate to the double mind and all of the directions it can take your spirit through. We pray and work through disappointment, anxieties, worry and fear. Some days our prayers are so exhausted we even wonder if God is listening because we've prayed so long, but have no answers. But we all understand, He feels our pain and knows our hearts.
In the bible, a clean heart is a will and determination to obey God, repent, and change. David asked God to "create in me a clean heart" (Psalm 51:10) which is simply another way of seeking forgiveness and spiritual cleansing. When King David wrote Psalm 51:10, he was experiencing deep remorse and repentance. This psalm is traditionally attributed to David after his sin with Bathsheba and the subsequent confrontation by the prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 11-12). Feeling the weight of his transgressions, David sought God's forgiveness and renewal, recognizing the need for a transformed heart and spirit to restore his relationship with God. The verse encourages reflection on personal struggles and the importance of seeking renewal in times of moral failure or spiritual doubt, and exhaustion. It reminds us that transformation is possible through sincere repentance and reliance on God's mercy.
When we pray for faith, direction, strength, and courage we pray for a "clean heart" free of doubt and worry. Some days the road of faith and perseverance will be hard to travel. In those difficult times remember to pray, and when doubt and exhaustion find there way into your spirit pray even harder., for the wonders and ways of Christ will always be a mystery to the human spirit. But faith and complete trust in His will grants mercy, grace and eternal blessings. Continue to pray Believers, pray for one another as I'm praying for you. Amen.
S.K. Caraway, Director
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.