Last week I celebrated another birthday. Good friends hosted various parties and functions in conjunction with the Thanksgiving holiday. I always enjoy my birthday because of that certain time of year- festive, colorful, gracious, benevolent and fun.
During the festivities a few new friends were shocked to learn I enjoy a good glass of wine, love to wear my bling, support same-sex marriages, and love a good Motown song. My longest friends knew my "hanging out" would be fun but limited. In all that I do, I've learned that the Lord is always present, so whatever I do, I try to ensure the God I serve will be pleased. Of course I fall short and occasionally have to pray harder and hit my reset button. But I try.
I've met those that believe God only accepts us when we admonish our secular needs, wants, desires and beliefs. When we live what I believe to be an isolated, puritanical, tunneled view of life with Christ. I've learned the Lord doesn't want us to walk in our belief so inflexible and stringent that we discourage some from learning and intimidate others from a relationship with God. The love of Christ is calm, soothing, and dependable...that's a good life!
I believe God wants us to be our best selves, to offer from within only what is at peace and confirmed through prayer, thought and meditation. Walking in faith, serving others, sharing His word, immeasurable blessings- that's THE good life...
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and