The word praise can be associated with exalting, glorifying, magnifying, confessing and giving of thanks. When we praise the Lord, we are recognizing, appreciating, and giving awe to His splendor. Once we praise God, we are telling Him and others how wonderful He is – how awesome He is. We acknowledge His authority, power, goodness, mercy and all the other wonderful things about who and what God is. God is our creator, provider, sustainer, and savior. When we magnify God, we invite His presence into our lives. Praise and worship honors God's presence. It honors God's greatness when we are able to magnify God and focus on his goodness in spite of our personal challenges. When we exalt His name in praise can’t you just feel His love emanate throughout your space? It’s wonderful!
Hey Believers, ever completed a project at work and beamed when your manager, supervisor or senior leaders recognized, acknowledged, and praised your great work? Remember when you finally lost those last few pounds, or finished your “to-do” list in record time, no loose ends? Remember walking across that stage exiting a new college graduate? Remember how accomplished, valued, or appreciated you felt? You patted yourself on the back or your company nicely compensated you for your diligence as well! The tangible reward, that’s the best part! You knew you created something unique, impressive, and memorable! You deserved all that praise!
The way you felt after completing that herculean task, whether proud, valued, unique or grateful is the way God feels about each of us, and especially His believers. In His likeness he has created unique and memorable characters in each of us. And no matter what we do or may say His feelings of love and mercy never change. He’s always available to comfort, console, advise, protect, and provide for each of us.
I want to encourage you to offer up praise even in your darkest hour. We’ve all faced unusual challenges in every area of our lives this past year. Some of us have held our heads up prayed and trudged on. Others may be flailing in spirit, short on patience and questioning faith. Find comfort in knowing He cares, and He will come thru! No matter your heart, find a place for Him and His love. It’s unconditional, encompassing, and forever!
Isaiah 25:1
O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure.
Psalm 99:3
Let them praise your great and awesome name! Holy is He!.